Azure: Implement and Learn without Credit Card

Azure: Implement and Learn without Credit Card


Welcome back to my blog. In this blog, you are going to create a sandbox environment in azure and implement the services in real-time. Microsoft Learn portal has made it possible to avoid creating an account in azure with a credit card just for learning purposes. They offer sandboxes that last mostly for 4 hours and you can create 10 sandboxes a day. Every sandbox is particularly designed for learning only a few services, so you cannot create all the services in 1 sandbox. Every sandbox will contain some limitations and regulations so we cannot go beyond and use it. This is only for learning purposes and not for commercial purposes. As I mentioned let's learn together by utilizing the resources in the best possible way without spending a penny. Let's get started.

Activating the Sandbox Environment:

The sandbox environments are provided in Microsoft learn portal for accomplishing exercises while learning. We are going to use these sandboxes to implement the services and learn.

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Learn portal

  2. There will be plenty of articles for learning different services in azure. You need to find the article that contains exercises in it to be completed. For example, Create serverless logic with Azure Functions: -> Link

  3. This will contain an exercise to be completed

  4. Click on the exercise and you will find the sandbox available

  5. Before activating the sandbox, you need to sign in to the portal using your Microsoft account. If you don't have one, create it for free and log in using that in the portal.

  6. Activate the Sandbox (You will be asked to accept the permissions, Click Accept)

  7. Now login to the Azure Portal with your Microsoft Account

  8. You are now ready to create and implement the services in azure.

Note: This sandbox is specially dedicated to practicing Azure Functions, so not all the services will be available for implementation.


You have successfully activated the sandbox for learning azure practically by implementing the services. Now you will be able to learn Azure without any credit card. Thank you for your valuable time. My comment section will always be open for your feedback and queries. Feel free to let me know what you feel. More blogs will be out soon. Stay tuned !!!!


Azure ServicesSandbox Links
Azure FunctionsLink
Azure App ServiceLink
Azure Blob StorageLink (Azure Function sandbox will support blob storage)
Azure Cosmos DBLink (Azure Function sandbox will support cosmos DB)
Azure Virtual MachineLink
Azure Key VaultLink (Azure Function sandbox will support cosmos DB)
Azure Cache for RedisLink

I have used these sandboxes while learning for my AZ-204 exam. If I find any more later, I will update this table. If you find sandboxes for other services, feel free to comment so that I will add them to the table giving you the shoutout. Thanks in advance :-)